Hi ,
Neville Goddard
taught that EVERY DESIRE has it’s own PLAN and POWER of fulfilment.
BOTH The Plan and The Power - are already taken care of.
Let that cook your nooodle…
Because THAT truth - changed my
entire life.
Now, let’s make that SUPER REAL right now for you…
Let’s talk about ENERGY…
Because most people have some form of “energy crises” going on. Because they are trying to "control the plan" or
trying to use "their personal power".
This is soooo true....
Have you noticed soooo many people have BOTH “too much and too little” energy…
Too much "energy"gives you
anxiety and anger…
Too little "energy" leaves you depressed and down…
And when you have BOTH too much and too little...
You find yourself too tired to do what it takes…
And unable to rest - in life - and in the state of the wish fulfilled…