And then I forgot to share EXACTLY what it was.
If you want to dive deep - click that Jo Go Method Box.
If you want the quick scoop, here's the quote about Joseph Goddard that inspired it all.
“Every morning after breakfast he would sit down in what we call the
Berbice chair, and put his feet up on the arms of the chair. It’s a chair made in the West Indies.”
“And then he would simply with his eyes partly shut, he would see the day
as he wanted it to be.”
“He would carry on mental conversations with men he had to meet that day,
from his premises and brought to his conclusion, and that’s how he worked.” – Neville Goddard
Get how EASY he made this...
Get how he let it be about his
DAILY wins?
Now if you want to see how we
dialed that up BIG TIME.
Joseph Goddard Method - Click here!
Don't skip the videos, and let it be simple!
TT with V on the verandah
PS: Dr Brian's
Second Time Testimonial
"I joined Dream Driven Day the first time in part because I thought I NEEDED it. Also because my wife was joining, and I thought doing it with her would be really fun."
"I was right about the second half of that."
"I signed up for Dream Driven Day for a second time without my wife—but not, by far, on my own, thanks to the beautiful family of other DDDers—at
a time when I was already having dream driven days, more of them than the dread driven days that used to be my norm."
"So why take it again if I didn’t need it?"
"Simply because it was fun. Simply because I knew I would make amazing friends from it, a whole new family."
"Simply because I’m going to have dreams today and dreams tomorrow, and what will those dreams be?"
"There’s always another dream, so why not amp them up even more?!"