This tiny little exercise is the fastest way we know to help you really see what you need to see, and as a bonus - it makes all your feeling it real
Neville Nails It - Click
(Do you know why?)
Because anytime you simply PLAY in imagination, you make manifesting everything - more playful.
Don't make this work!
Let it be fun!
blessings to you!
Victoria and TT
Coffee time.
PS: "I didn't mean to write a book..."
Hi TT & V!
I just felt the need today to let you know my
deepest appreciation for you and your teachings.
I was so lost trying to decipher the words of Abraham which I believed at the time was the only reliable source available. It was like a word puzzle that I still couldn't solve after nearly 2 years.
I don't know how I stumbled upon Neville but I felt an instant connection and wanted to soak up every word. However, I still had trouble understanding much of how it worked.
It was still a word puzzle and I needed modern words and meanings to help me understand. I'm not
great with metaphors, symbolism etc so I knew I needed to try harder to "get it".
Somewhere in Neville's information jungle, I found you and when I did, light bulbs went off like fireworks and everything just started to fall into place like pure magic.
The clarity that you bring to the lessons, the deep understanding that I was desperately searching for and the simplicity in which you present it has made all the difference.
You break it down like nobody else and it makes so much sense. You make it simple to
comprehend and implement. It's because of you and your methods that I am CRAZY busy receiving all that I manifest and not much time is spent on social media.
My life is incredible. But I do try to watch all of your videos and read all of your emails from DDD, MM, FIR, and Prosperity Pack to name a few. Each course is worth a fortune
to me.
I didn't mean to write a book here, however, my heart just had to let you know how much your work means to me and what it has done to improve my quality of life in every way.
I want for nothing and when desire meets inspiration, it just gets better as something new gets manifested.
I'm very grateful, thank you.
Helen G