Hi !
You know that feeling when you're lying in bed at night,
thinking about all the things you want to change in your life?
Maybe you're telling yourself "I need more money" or "I've got to get healthy" or "Something needs to be different." And yet, day after day, nothing really changes.
I see you nodding. Because we've all been there.
Want to know why you're stuck? It's not because you're lazy. It's not because you're not capable.
It's because you're falling into the same trap I did – you're thinking way too big and way too small at the same time.
Let me explain what I mean. When we're frustrated, we reach for these huge, vague goals: "I want to be wealthy," "I want to be healthy," "I want to be successful." That's thinking too big.
But at the same time, we come up with these tiny, generic excuses: "I don't have enough time," "Money's tight," "I'm too old," "What will people think?" That's thinking too
I used to do the exact same thing. Want to know what changed everything for me?
I was sitting in my Eames chair – with my hip blown out. It was ttaking a full 9 seconds just to stand up, I needed a walking stick just to get ouside to take a pee….
And I had an epiphany.
I didn't just want to "be healthy." That was too vague. Getting healthy was a concern…
Getting healthy didn’t give me juice…
Getting healthy felt “far away”.
What I really wanted was to do Kung Fu again. To feel that specific kind of strength and power in my body. To be FIGHTING FIT
See the difference? I stopped trying to solve a generic problem and started feeling into a specific
And here's what happened: I went from needing a walking stick to bouncing around doing Kung Fu forms. This didn't take years...
It started happening instantly...
In the next few
My whole body transformed. I lost "two Christmas hams and a Thanksgiving turkey" of ugly fat. Gained a ton of muscle and I only do a little bit of exercise.
People at the pool, including the treatment specialists, they think I got a hip replacement – nope. I replaced me.
Because I got specific about exactly WHO I wanted to be.
You might want to get this now....
Here's the truth nobody tells you: When you're truly passionate about something specific, you might get sleepy, but you never get tired of doing it.
Think about that for a second. How many times have you said "I'm tired" when what you really mean is, "I'm tired of doing things that don't light me up, that don’t make a difference”?
God speaks to us through our specific desires. Not through vague wishes or generic goals, but through those specific hungers that won't let us go.
When I'm hungry for a steak, I don't sit around wondering what would fill my stomach – I cook a steak. When I'm hungry to go to the gym, I go. It's that simple.
So here's what I want you to do right now. Take that big, vague goal that's been floating around in your head. Maybe it's "make more money" or "get in shape" or "be more successful." Now ask yourself: What specifically do you want to do? What specific experience are you hungry for?
Because here's the thing – you're
smarter than you think. And those specific desires burning inside you? They're not random. They're calling you toward something.
Your DESIRES are divine in origin. They have their own plan and their own power of fulfillment. And when you give into them and give them life like we teach - they energize you…
I've got a 90-day program that can help you dive deeper into this – to stop playing with generic wishes and start creating specific excellences.
Join us Today in ManifestingMasteryCourse.com
It's just a buck a day. And if that sounds like too much right now, here's what I tell people: save a dollar a day for 90 days, then join us. Because I'm not interested in generic excuses about money – I'm interested in you creating specific excellence in your life.
Ready to get specific about what you really want? Ready to stop making excuses and
start making changes?
The choice is yours: You can keep trying to solve generic problems with vague solutions, or you can start giving life to specifics that energize you!
What's it going to be?
You’ve got
a choice today…
Keep doing what you’ve been doing…
Try to figure it out all on your own…
Or get in the fast and fun lane of life!
You aren’t the passenger…
You are the pilot…
Dive deeper, soar higher!
Mr Twenty Twenty
Coffee time and birdsong.
Join us Today in ManifestingMasteryCourse.com
P.S. Every morning, I meet people at the pool who can't believe I'm 58. Just the other day, a 45-year-old guy told me I looked 35. Want to know my secret? I didn't try to "look younger" – that's too generic.
I focused on being that fighting fit guy who practices Kung Fu daily. Specific excellence creates specific results.
If you're ready for your own transformation story, don't wait. The 90-day program at manifestingmasterycourse.com is waiting for you. Because here's the truth: A year from now, you'll wish you had started
P.P.S. Still thinking "I'll do it later" or "I need to get ready first"? Remember this: Those are just more generic excuses. The specific excellence you're dreaming of is already calling you. Answer it.